Monday, October 17, 2011

finding main ideas (bootless strife)

In the book a red record by Ida b wells discusses a lot of key of these key terms being insurrection. Insurrection is an alleged rebellion or disobedience of order. The excuse of alleged insurrection was one the reasons that many African Americans were lynched. Anarchy was used to describe the government in the south during this era. Anarchy is ironically a type of government that means to be without a government. this term was used to express the south after slavery because of the disregard to what the white southerners were doing to the African American people in the sense of enforcing the law.another term used in this text was outlawry. outlawry is when the people do not abide by the rights of freedom and equality. chivalry was also used as a key term. This term was used to unify the races in the text to contrast on character and not on color, implying mostly to the rape charges against the lynched African Americans.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

lib project

i choose to do a documentary and a dance, for body language. a documentary on occupy wall st.

Monday, October 3, 2011


The letter to Banneker is a letter addressed to then president Lincoln from a man named Benjamin Banneker. Banneker was a very educated colored man who study astronomy. Benjamin was trying to explain to Lincoln that the constitution should involve and relate to every human being in America, and if it does. Then slavery is unjustified under the law and should be ended. In this letter Banneker explains his belief that we as human beings are all equal in his eyes and thus should be equal under the law.

This letter addressed the hypocrisy within the society and the government at the time. It also addressed the hypocrisy in the fact that the people who created this government that belittles these colored people built this government because they themselves were belittle by the royalty in Europe. They came here for a better life full of freedom and opportunity only to suppress another group of people to do so. Banneker wrote "This sir, was a time when you clearly saw into the injustice of a state of slavery"(Banneker 2). Banneker is saying that the Lincoln once knew how it was to feel imprisoned in life and how he knew then that it was unfair. Banneker says this to remind Lincoln of his feelings of being in an unjust world towards his people so that maybe he can connect that feeling to how the slaves felt when this letter was written. That connection coupled with the mention of the hypocrisy of the constitution because it does not include all men who were created under god are Banneker's arguments for why Lincoln should take a second look on how slavery is a clear and unjust in society under the creator yet it is completely "legal".