Monday, October 17, 2011

finding main ideas (bootless strife)

In the book a red record by Ida b wells discusses a lot of key of these key terms being insurrection. Insurrection is an alleged rebellion or disobedience of order. The excuse of alleged insurrection was one the reasons that many African Americans were lynched. Anarchy was used to describe the government in the south during this era. Anarchy is ironically a type of government that means to be without a government. this term was used to express the south after slavery because of the disregard to what the white southerners were doing to the African American people in the sense of enforcing the law.another term used in this text was outlawry. outlawry is when the people do not abide by the rights of freedom and equality. chivalry was also used as a key term. This term was used to unify the races in the text to contrast on character and not on color, implying mostly to the rape charges against the lynched African Americans.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

lib project

i choose to do a documentary and a dance, for body language. a documentary on occupy wall st.

Monday, October 3, 2011


The letter to Banneker is a letter addressed to then president Lincoln from a man named Benjamin Banneker. Banneker was a very educated colored man who study astronomy. Benjamin was trying to explain to Lincoln that the constitution should involve and relate to every human being in America, and if it does. Then slavery is unjustified under the law and should be ended. In this letter Banneker explains his belief that we as human beings are all equal in his eyes and thus should be equal under the law.

This letter addressed the hypocrisy within the society and the government at the time. It also addressed the hypocrisy in the fact that the people who created this government that belittles these colored people built this government because they themselves were belittle by the royalty in Europe. They came here for a better life full of freedom and opportunity only to suppress another group of people to do so. Banneker wrote "This sir, was a time when you clearly saw into the injustice of a state of slavery"(Banneker 2). Banneker is saying that the Lincoln once knew how it was to feel imprisoned in life and how he knew then that it was unfair. Banneker says this to remind Lincoln of his feelings of being in an unjust world towards his people so that maybe he can connect that feeling to how the slaves felt when this letter was written. That connection coupled with the mention of the hypocrisy of the constitution because it does not include all men who were created under god are Banneker's arguments for why Lincoln should take a second look on how slavery is a clear and unjust in society under the creator yet it is completely "legal".

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Banneker letter blog #1

In this blog I will us the narrative The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, The African and the letter to Jefferson from Banneker to explain how the essence of slavery is unjust because we all as human beings come from the same creator so therefore we should all be treated as equals

The interesting narrative of Equiano is a narrative of a boy taken from everything and everyone he knows and being sold into slavery. This narrative documents his emotional journey throughout this new way of life that has been chosen for him by an new breed of ignorance and greed. Equiano knows little o what he will experience from stories he has heard, but something that he will learn personally on his journey is that many people have different experiences of being in slavery but the emotions are generally the same.
The letter that Banneker sent to Jefferson examines the hypocrisy of the promises the declaration of independence makes with the actuality of the open and legal racism in society. Banneker addresses the fact that the declaration of independence was made to give people equality and a voice from the oppression that they were subjective to by the Europeans. Yet that is the same way that they are treating African Americans. Banneker explains that since everyone is from the same creator we should all be treated equally.

The narrative of the interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano explains the cruel and unreasonable punishment that these innocent people had to be subjected to because of their skin color. The Banneker letter is a letter written long after Equiano finished his term of duty, if I may call it that. The letter explains through generalization,that everything Equiano experienced in captivity was unjust because all white and black men are alike because we come from the same creator and we all deserve to be treated as such.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How does lang. affirm or deny human rights?

 Language is a very strong weapon that most people take for granted while others abuse for thier own selfish needs. there are many loop holes that have been set in our government that make it legal for us Americans, more specifically new yorkers to be belittled and taken advantage of because it is written down and we have unknowingly agreed to it by living here. There are now people fighting to negate those loop holes and try and make a better tomorrow for us ordinary people. This movement is called OCCUPY WALL STREET. The whole concept of this movement is to change the way the bankers and people of high power in the economic aspect of our world choose to treat us. i went surfing on the internet to find more information and i came upon this, itll speak for itself. watch the video that was posted this morning.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

eng 101 diagnostic

    Elyce Jacome
       The threat of the violence that would soon become onto him made Equiano very freight full, but the despair that he discovered on his sudden realization of the distance from his home is what truly broke him in to the life of slavery. The human being can go through many various emotional situations but when pushed to their final limitations only one thing is left, despair. Desperation is a crucial focal point to the aspect of slavery, because for a people as a whole to continue on so long in such an inhumane standing must have lost all hope and will of a life without oppression.
         Equiano did not truly realize the true amount of tyranny he was under until he had nowhere to run to. The desperation of not being able to go anywhere after Equiano had escaped into the bushes to escape his mistress and the town people whom were looking for him. Throughout the narrative, until this point, the hardships of slavery are moderately easy to cope with for Equiano except for the loss of his sister. The desperation that he feels at the very moment that he is hiding is expressed with the paranoia that he expresses by implying that with every sound he hears, is something that might try and kill him. This unshakable feeling adjoined with his hunger, thirst and no knowledge of where home might even relatedly be made him so with hope, that he was went back into the house where he knew consequences were waiting for him. Equiano ran away because of the fear of being reprimanded from his mistress. He knew that the punishment he would now face were going to be significantly multiplied because he had run away and did not respond when was called to. Since the punishment had increased, it is only safe to imply that his fear had increased as well, but the feeling of having nowhere to go and no hope to hold onto it overturned the fear and gave him the ability to walk back into the house and face the situation head on. As Equiano lies on the ashes in the shed waiting for, what he can only guess is going to be a horrible punishment, he wishes for death to take him away. He would rather be dead then be in the situation he is in, the situation that he himself returned to after he could have left. But without hop, where would he leave to? The intense feeling of desperation has driven him to a point where all he has is death and reality, and he chooses to stay in the only reality he has because death will not answer his calls.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

aggrivation will soon pay off

    This cluster although very interesting because of the debates and intellectual discussions can be very frustrating  at some points. This is because the collaboration of the multiple places to put , paste and look up our readings, assignments and study guides and the fact that all of our classes do not have spaces in between so that we can have more then 5 minutes to be in our own head.

     I chose this cluster because many criminals have been in a place where their humans rights were taken advantage of, because of this, the domino effect is put into place and they do onto others what was done onto them. so by learning about human rights as a whole it can help me better understand a piece of the core that i will need to create for myself to study the human psyche of the criminally insane.

Understanding a universal language

          I am usually scolded when most people ask me what languages I can understand and communicate with. This s because, usually the only answer I have is that I speak English and understand Spanish, which is a no-no for a Dominican girl in my neck of the woods. By this time I am suppose to be fluent in both Spanish and English, but I never needed to learn Spanish at home because my parents chose to speak English at home. Another language I have picked up over the years is body language. The way I uphold myself and communicate with people is virtually the same wherever I go, whether it is work, school or home.  Although there is sometimes a slight distinction between how I communicate with authority figures as I speak to them with a more formal version of English then I would my best friend.
        My knowledge of the English language is a collaboration of what my parents have taught me and what I was taught in school. When I was a child, these two different structures of English was a crucial split in how I communicated with the world. The English that my mother has taught me was very proper. This is because my mother works in politics, so when we went to public functions we were all expected to speak with a certain dialect of maturity because of the people we were thus affiliated with. As for the language I spoke in school, that is a completely different story. The deplorable English I spoke in school to communicate with my fellow classmates, which is now known as Ebonics. My slight understanding of Spanish was due to the fact that I live with my very expressive grandmother, so after awhile words just get stuck in your head. Now learning body language was one that I put upon myself. This was when I realized how hard it was to learn many different languages around me but I wanted to understand how other people felt. No matter what world language you speak or of which dialect you communicate with, everyone that can move, even if only their eyes, can communicate with body language. Usually whether they like it or not.  I have taken it upon myself to observe how people physically react to situations and have set up my own library, if you will, in my mind that helps me understands genuine human actions they themselves do not even notice they do.
         Because I can speak with different dialects of English, have a limited understanding of Spanish and try to understand the complexity of body language, I have seen that I have a wide range of characters in my life. Even though I can understand both English and Spanish, communicate on different levels of English and have studied some body language aspects, I don’t seem to ever merge the languages together because it would confuse me. Understanding many different languages and dialects s very important because communication is extremely important in creating a professional network.  In retrospect I have come to understand that a person you cannot properly communicate with, you cannot add to your network. This gives you fewer opportunities because as everyone is quickly learning, when it comes down to the line; it’s not what you know, but who you know.